Seminar on UCT and divestment on 17 May

On Tuesday 17 May, at 1.10pm, there will be a seminar on UCT and fossil fuel divestment, in EGS Studio 5, Upper Campus. The event is co-hosted by the African Development Development Initiative, Climate Action Society, Green Campus Initiative and Fossil Free UCT.

Background: Following urging from Fossil Free UCT, the UCT Council decided in 2015 that the University's investments should henceforth be managed on a basis that includes ethical considerations. But what should that mean in practice? Given that climate change has been described as the greatest threat of the age to human rights, security and economic stability, most of all in Africa, should UCT be joining the international fossil fuel divestment movement? We'll ask three panelists for their views, then open for questions and discussion.

Confirmed panelists are Professor Alexandra Watson (Commerce), Professor Ralph Hamann (Graduate School of Business) and Kirtanya Lutchminarayan (Green Campus Initiative and Fossil Free UCT).

By the way, if you'd like to also endorse the 2015 letter of the ACDI Masters Class urging divestment, you can read and endorse it here.


UCT and fossil free divestment


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