This is the news home of Fossil Free SA, the campaign for fossil fuel divestment and sustainable reinvestment. Below you’ll find our latest newsletters (hosted on Substack) and blog posts.

Our latest newsletters on Substack

Our latest blog posts
May Boeve of visiting Cape Town, UCT and Jozi
May Boeve is the new executive director of, the grass roots global climate movement that three years ago initiated the fast-growing global divestment movement.
UCT considering divestment, and other news
There’s been an amazing flood of news on the divestment front over the past couple of months – know that you are part of an extremely fast-growing movement
Divestment Day is 13 February: join us at UCT
International Divestment Day is this coming Friday. Join us at UCT (details below). See other actions (comprehensive global list), such as Pretoria University (details below), or Stellenbosch.
Fossil Free South Africa launches in Cape Town
On Wednesday 12 November, we had our first of several launches for the expanded Fossil Free South Africa campaign at the Mountain Club in central Cape Town.
Upcoming video shoot, Glasgow divests(!), and other news
We are shooting a video to support fundraising to expand this campaign.
Climate change is a major threat to human life and wellbeing, especially in Africa – but governments just aren't acting fast enough. If coal, gas and oil companies follow their current business plans, devastating consequences will follow.
UCT Chancellor Graça Machel on climate change
UCT Chancellor Graça Machel's speech on climate change at the closing ceremony of the UN Climate Summit last week (23 September 2014). Available on video here, starting at about minute 14.
Letter to UCT requesting details of investments, mandates, etc
We are happy to relate that the launch was very successful, with over 100 people attending. Students, academic staff and alumni were well-represented at the event and nearly 30 members of the university community signed up for a working group which has since had several meetings.
Events, screenings and our petition now online
Please sign our petition, now online, calling on UCT to divest from fossil fuels and invest in sustainable energy!
Next working group meeting, and other updates
Following our successful UCT campaign launch, we've formed a Fossil Free UCT working group.
Fossil Free UCT launch a great success
We'll post more details and information over the next few days, but for the meantime, we're very happy to report that our launch event for Fossil Free UCT at the university last night felt like a great success.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu supports call for University of Cape Town to divest from fossil fuels
It is the world’s wealthiest countries and people who have benefited most from the use of fossil fuels, and have contributed most to global warming.
Fossil Free UCT campaign launches 30 July
The launch event for the UCT fossil fuel divestment campaign will be on 30 July, from 5.30-7pm, in Leslie Social Sciences 1A.
VARSITY oped: 'UCT should divest from fossil fuels now'
What kind of future do you like to imagine for yourself? One of personal success in a secure, prosperous world?