
This is the news home of Fossil Free SA, the campaign for fossil fuel divestment and sustainable reinvestment. Below you’ll find our latest newsletters (hosted on Substack) and blog posts.

Our latest newsletters on Substack

FAB launches SA's first report on fossil fuel industry greenwashing

"Smoke and Mirrors" unpacks how Sasol, Shell, TotalEnergies and other fossil fuel companies mislead millions of us every month

Jo Smetherham
Mar 11
Our inspiration: the Wellbeing Economy

Bhutan was the first country to implement an economy dedicated to boosting people's wellbeing. Economies with a similar emphasis are gaining traction across the world.

Jo Smetherham
Jan 29
New FFSA victory marks milestone on greenwashing

The Advertising Regulatory Board's appeal committee has dismissed TotalEnergies' appeal against a verdict in our favour − a warning to fossil fuel companies against greenwashing

Jo Smetherham
Dec 17
TotalEnergies' campaign of deceit, Creative Cleanup and the F-list

This newsletter gives a broad update about all we've been up to in recent months and how you can contribute. Enjoy the read!

Jo Smetherham
Dec 4
'The Arch would have given his rousing support to your walk'

Our first Investment Justice Walk to key landmarks in Cape Town highlighted the role divestment played in ending slavery and apartheid, and how it could yet help slow climate breakdown.

Jo Smetherham
Nov 19
Walk with us for investment justice

Keen to show SA asset managers they should stop financing fossil fuels? Join our 15 November walk through Cape Town showing how investments have shaped our history − and threaten our future.

Jo Smetherham
Oct 25
Our revamped Planet A guide gains wings

Thanks to the fund managers and all our supporters who attended the launch of our guide to the most ethical and sustainable institutional investments available to South Africans

Jo Smetherham
Oct 17
Invitation: Join us for the launch of our revamped Planet A Investment Guide

Fossil Free SA has just finished a major update of our Planet A Investment Guide, and we’d love you to attend our Cape Town launch event

David Le Page
Sep 18

Our latest blog posts

David Le Page David Le Page


Climate change is a major threat to human life and wellbeing, especially in Africa – but governments just aren't acting fast enough. If coal, gas and oil companies follow their current business plans, devastating consequences will follow.

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David Le Page David Le Page

Letter to UCT requesting details of investments, mandates, etc

We are happy to relate that the launch was very successful, with over 100 people attending. Students, academic staff and alumni were well-represented at the event and nearly 30 members of the university community signed up for a working group which has since had several meetings.

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David Le Page David Le Page

Fossil Free UCT launch a great success

We'll post more details and information over the next few days, but for the meantime, we're very happy to report that our launch event for Fossil Free UCT at the university last night felt like a great success.

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