our Vision

We envision a prosperous, equitable and sustainable South Africa, where: 

  • Current and future generations of people, without distinction, flourish in peace and health

  • Everyone is supported by a stable climate, clean air and water, and thriving ecosystems

  • Communities are energy independent, and have access to renewable energy, green jobs, and stable energy costs

  • Our leaders govern honestly and support a socially just democracy, without the vested interests of fossil fuels

  • Fossil fuel companies have closed down or evolved into sustainable energy enterprises in a circular economy

our Mission

We work to secure human rights and prosperity by challenging the financial and social support of the fossil fuel industry in two key ways: 

  • Encouraging universities, companies, organisations, and public and private investors to divest from fossil fuel and related investments, and to cease activities that support the fossil fuel economy and in other ways worsen climate change and ocean acidification through emissions of greenhouse gases; and

  • Challenging the social and cultural license of the fossil fuel industry, which it maintains through greenwashing, the fossil fuel development paradigm and a conception of economic growth that excludes proper consideration of social and environmental damage.

our values

Some of the values that underpin our work include, but are not limited to:

  • Social justice: Our ultimate aim is to help build a society where all people can thrive, free of poverty and inequality, in a healthy and life-giving environment.

  • Sustainability: FFSA prioritises environmental responsibility, social wellbeing, and justice through our collective mindset, behaviours, and practices.

  • Respect and empathy: Our work and behaviour is characterised by mutual respect, empathy, compassion, patience, and recognition of the value in every person.

  • Accountability: We are accountable to one another and accept responsibility for our decisions, actions, and work performance.

  • Transparency: Our work processes, decisions, and outcomes are available for review by our colleagues, supporters, and the public.

  • Collaboration: We create a collaborative work environment by maximising each person's skills and competencies, through teamwork and synergy.

Theory of Change