This is the news home of Fossil Free SA, the campaign for fossil fuel divestment and sustainable reinvestment. Below you’ll find our latest newsletters (hosted on Substack) and blog posts.
Our latest newsletters on Substack
Our latest blog posts
New FFSA victory marks milestone on greenwashing
The Advertising Regulatory Board's appeal committee has dismissed TotalEnergies' appeal against a verdict in our favour − a warning to fossil fuel companies against greenwashing.
Meet our interns at a mall near you
Look out for the seven bright, energetic young interns who have become the face of our #InvestFossilFree campaign at malls, markets and other public venues.
TotalEnergies' campaign of deceit
Clean Creatives SA director Stephen Horn has drawn attention on social media to a far-reaching campaign of lies and “astroturfing” by public relations company MetropolitanRepublic (MR), working for TotalEnergies in Uganda.
Gaza webinar "devastates and inspires"
The rebuilding of Gaza could be a lightning rod for sustainable development across the region.
State of fossil fuel divestment in South Africa: Fossil Free SA survey shows UCT and Anglican Church of SA lead on fossil fuel divestment progress
As new evidence emerges internationally to show the efficacy of fossil fuel divestment for accelerating the global struggle to limit climate breakdown, Fossil Free SA has released its first report surveying SA institutions attempting to divest.
Event summary: The climate crisis, the labour movement and fossil fuel divestment
On 16 March, as guests of our co-hosts from the International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG), we presented a talk on climate issues as they may pertain to the labour movement at Community House, Salt River, in the Imam Haron Hall.
Sasol: Industrial-scale greenwash
Sasol recently set new targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions, particularly, a 30% reduction by 2030 and "net zero" by 2050.
UCT's responsible investment panel (UPRI) recommends divestment
After eight long years of trying to persuade UCT to stop investments in fossil fuels, the University of Cape Town’s Panel on Responsible Investment (UPRI) has now published its recommendation on divestment – which is, that UCT should divest from all fossil fuel investments by 2030!
#InvestFossilFree: Joint letter-writing campaign to SA's biggest asset managers
Our latest campaign is calling on SA’s leading asset managers to create truly fossil fuel-free SA investment funds.
Time to divest from murder: Fossil Free SA condemns the brutal murder of anti-coal activist Fikile Ntshangase + a call to action
In support of groundWork's recent request "for a speedy and urgent investigation to arrest and put on trial those responsible for the murder of Mama Fikile Ntshangase", we are sending a follow-up letter to President Ramaphosa and Minister of Police Bheki Cele in support of groundWork and the Somkhele community.
UCT Campaign Update and Webinar
We've been campaigning for UCT to stop investing in climate-breaking fossil fuels for seven years, while hundreds of global institutions have joined the movement. Over the past few months, many people and institutions have written to the new UCT Council in support of divestment.
Fossil Free SA and 350 Africa congratulate eThekwini/Durban on becoming the second South African city to commit to ending its investments in fossil fuels
Fossil Free South Africa and 350 Africa congratulate the City of eThekwini/Durban on becoming the second South African city to commit to phasing out investments in climate-breaking fossil fuels.
We can't protect our shared global climate until Black Lives Matter
We have always been clear that at the heart of our campaign to halt all investments in climate-breaking fossil fuels, is the pursuit to advance and protect human rights, not just financial capital.
Planet A Investment: a new Fossil Free SA newsletter for financial professionals
This year we are launching an additional newsletter, Planet A Investment, for financial professionals.
We're (still) calling on UCT to divest
UCT's Convocation, the body comprising all alumni and academic staff, meets on Thursday 12 December 2019 at Kramer Building Lecture Theatre 1, Middle Campus at 17h00 for 17h30. For the second time, we will be proposing a motion on divestment.
How (the hell) do I divest from fossil fuels, and a sorry cautionary tale
How would you advise people to handle disinvestment with their financial advisors in terms of the funds they are invested in? Would it be a simple "switch all funds out of fossil fuels"...something like that?
Financing the Future Webinar
Earlier this month in Cape Town, Financing the Future brought together over 300 leaders from 44 countries focusing on the intersection of climate justice, finance, energy access and social justice.
'The future of finance must be clean' - historic Cape Town summit closes
Huge momentum on divesting from fossil fuels as unprecedented faith based commitments join a strong statement against shareholder engagement strategies
Climate-Proofing Retirement Funds: first thoughts
We held our first-ever 'Climate-Proofing Retirement Funds' events in Cape Town and Johannesburg this week, focused on asset owners, particularly retirement fund boards.
Mission-aligned Investment Seminar
You are invited to a Mission-Aligned Investing Seminar for South African leaders in philanthropy, faith, education and city governance.