This is the news home of Fossil Free SA, the campaign for fossil fuel divestment and sustainable reinvestment. Below you’ll find our latest newsletters (hosted on Substack) and blog posts.
Our latest newsletters on Substack
Our latest blog posts
University departments, schools, faculties and institutes: support for divestment and disassociation from fossil fuels
Academic institutions in South Africa who want to stand up against the fossil fuel industry – you can sign on here.
Divestment Day is 13 February: join us at UCT
International Divestment Day is this coming Friday. Join us at UCT (details below). See other actions (comprehensive global list), such as Pretoria University (details below), or Stellenbosch.
Fossil Free SA launches and updates
First, if you haven't yet donated via our Thundafund appeal, please do so. We value your presence in our network more than your money, but we do need to fund this effort if we're to make this work sustainable.