This is the news home of Fossil Free SA, the campaign for fossil fuel divestment and sustainable reinvestment. Below you’ll find our latest newsletters (hosted on Substack) and blog posts.

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Our latest blog posts
University departments, schools, faculties, institutes and student societies: support Expanded public climate leadership from SA universities
Academic institutions in South Africa who want to stand up against the fossil fuel industry – you can sign on here.
Decarbonising South Africa - a roadmap
This overview was drafted by and edited with the assistance of an FFSA supporter who is an ESCA-registered Pr. Eng., with 12 years work experience in energy efficiency. Comments and possible updates are welcome.
State of fossil fuel divestment in South Africa: Fossil Free SA survey shows UCT and Anglican Church of SA lead on fossil fuel divestment progress
As new evidence emerges internationally to show the efficacy of fossil fuel divestment for accelerating the global struggle to limit climate breakdown, Fossil Free SA has released its first report surveying SA institutions attempting to divest.
UCT commits to divestment
Eight years after we first wrote to UCT asking for divestment, the university council decided on 12 March to divest.
UCT's responsible investment panel (UPRI) recommends divestment
After eight long years of trying to persuade UCT to stop investments in fossil fuels, the University of Cape Town’s Panel on Responsible Investment (UPRI) has now published its recommendation on divestment – which is, that UCT should divest from all fossil fuel investments by 2030!
Press Release: Students & Fossil Free SA protest UCT’s investments in fossil fuels
On Tuesday 11 May, UCT students protested to urge the UCT University Panel on Responsible Investment (UPRI) to make the strongest possible recommendations on fossil fuel divestment.
Call on UCT to Divest from Fossil Fuels: Submit your Response to UCT's Responsible Investment Panel
After years of putting pressure on the University of Cape Town to divest from climate-breaking fossil fuels, the university has at last formally launched its responsible investment panel (the University Panel on Responsible Investment, or UPRI) and approved a Responsible and Sustainable Investment Policy! The UPRI now has a formal website, here.
Guide for sustainable investing | UCT Convocation update | 2020 wrap up
The following was extracted from our 2020 closing newsletter. You can sign up for our newsletters straight to your inbox here.
UCT campaign updates
Letters to the new Council in support of divestment have now been sent by:
two groups of UCT academics and students, centred on the faculty of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, and Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG)
UCT Campaign Update and Webinar
We've been campaigning for UCT to stop investing in climate-breaking fossil fuels for seven years, while hundreds of global institutions have joined the movement. Over the past few months, many people and institutions have written to the new UCT Council in support of divestment.
Act now: A new action for our UCT campaign
We have a significant opportunity for YOU to help progress our campaign asking UCT to start divesting its endowment fund from fossil fuels THIS YEAR, to start to foster a genuinely socially responsible investment industry in South Africa.
UCT's Convocation votes strongly in favour of fossil fuel divestment – again
Last Thursday, UCT's Convocation, the body comprising all alumni and academic staff, passed a vote overwhelmingly in favour (40 votes in favour and 8 against) of our motion calling for divestment from fossil fuels, and amendment calling for UCT to lead a coalition for divestment in South Africa.
Why fossil fuel divestment is so important for UCT and South Africa
May 2019: Protest for divestment on campus
We're (still) calling on UCT to divest
UCT's Convocation, the body comprising all alumni and academic staff, meets on Thursday 12 December 2019 at Kramer Building Lecture Theatre 1, Middle Campus at 17h00 for 17h30. For the second time, we will be proposing a motion on divestment.
Fossil Free UCT campaign submits testimony on divestment to the UCT Institutional Reconciliation and Transformation Commission
The aims of the UCT Institutional Reconciliation and Transformation Commission (IRTC) include making ‘recommendations on institutional culture...’
Divest Fest!
Our team is about to hit Rocking the Daisies, and this is what we'll be asking festival-goers to do for the divestment cause – here we list five quick ways you can take action right now to push South Africa towards a more safe and prosperous future and away from the deadly fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – that threaten our climate, our health and our savings.
Coal, oil and gas investments to be phased out, UCT Convocation votes
Mar 2017, Cape Town: On Tuesday 28 February, the Convocation of the University of Cape Town overwhelmingly passed a non-binding motion – read the minutes of the meeting (pdf) – for the university to rid itself of all investments in fossil fuels within five years.
Latest newsletter: UCT march planned for 11 Oct, and other news
Our continuing campaign at UCT has moved the university to develop a draft ethical investment policy. If approved, that policy will create the channels for UCT to consider a commitment to divestment.
Climate Action Society and UCT Masters students repeat call for divestment
30 July 2015 The Council Ethical Investment Task Team Appointed by Council The University of Cape Town
2015 ACDI Masters Class letter urging UCT to divest from fossil fuels
Development of a fossil fuel divestment strategy for UCT